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Supporter membership

Supporter memberships are for those in our fibreshed region who want to support and be a part of creating a fibre economy in Manitoba. Supporter membership creates opportunity for engagement with producers and access to all workshops, products and benefits of the fibreshed.

Supporter membership is a great way to get involved, and to learn more about what a fibreshed is and why it is important.


Supporter Members

Supporter membership annual fee is $5 for a calendar year, January to December.

Supporter Membership - 1 year 2025
from CA$5.00

If you would like to make a one time donation to the Pembina Fibreshed, it will help continue the work of promoting local textiles. We are not able to offer tax receipts at this time.

The Pembina Fibreshed is 100% volunteer run and all funds collected go towards our producer directory, website, workshops and other projects of the fibreshed. Thank you for your support.

Donate to the Pembina Fibreshed