The Prairie’s Edge Wool Farm team included -
Barb Mulock: Shepherd and keeper of a flock of Shetland sheep and Angora goats in SE Manitoba (Kleefeld), Treaty 1 territory., specializing in small scale wool processing supplying local spinners and felters with fibre batts.
Marnie Potter: Long time member of Third Saturday Spinners, a local group of fibre spinning enthusiasts which meet monthly in a spinning circle. Prolific spinner, knitter, weaver and, yes, a potter.
Rose Gerbasi: Local wood carver, and button, clasp, and pin maker from Cook’s Creek, MB.
Nathalie Rivard: Owner of Modern Medieval Shop. Winnipeg weaver, nalbinder and much more.
The team (with the help of the sheep and goats) produced three items:
1. Long sleeve pullover sweater. Made from Shetland wool. Sheep (Porky and Bess) raised on farm. Fleece washed, carded, spun, and knit on farm by Barb Mulock.
2. Long sleeve woollen jacket. Made from Shetland wool raised and processed (scoured and carded) on farm. Hand- spun, woven, and knit by Winnipeg spinner Marnie Potter. Jacket buttons were made by Rose Gerbasi from local deer antler horns.
3. Mohair shawl. Made from angora goat fibre (Willa) raised, processed and hand-spun on farm. Shawl was made using the nalbinding technique by Nathalie Rivard of Winnipeg.
Willa the Angora goat