Speaker Series - Cultural Appropriation and Craft with Jennifer Smith

The Pembina Fibreshed Speaker series is an ONLINE event that allows us to dig deeper into the topic of settler colonization and its impact on land, indigenous communities and our textile systems.

The Pembina Fibreshed believes that moving forward with sustainable or regenerative textile production must also include a commitment to reconciliation with indigenous people and a commitment to honouring the treaties and land sharing that has long been ignored and forgotten through modern agriculture.

In a world where craft traditions are shared, explored, and used as inspiration, it is essential to recognize the origins of these skills and honour the cultures from which they come.

Cultural appropriation occurs when artistic and craft practices are taken without understanding or respecting their significance, often stripping them of their cultural and historical context.

Instead, we must approach craft with an ethic of respect, reconciliation, and relationship-building. How do we ensure that our creative practices uplift rather than exploit?

Being in relationship with the land and harvesting from it is an integral part of Indigenous life. Jennifer will talk about harvesting, the histories of colonization and how that has affected harvesting practices, and how that relates to current day land based knowledge.

Tuesday, March 25th
7pm CST (check your own time zone)

Zoom link will be sent out via email after registration.

The Speaker Series is a FREE event, but we recommend a $10 donation. Please consider making a donation for the event. All profits from the event will be donated to an organization of the speakers choice. See below to register and donate.